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Druid is found in

Backstab Squad

Handsome Team

Normal & Elite

Druid: A little taurus druid, an unscrupulous business woman who always struggles to earn money, the thinker of the small team

Druid is best used for Raiding, Dungeons & World Boss, She is a good tank with the ability to resurrect 1 teammate each round.

lvl: 90

HP: 39591

ATK: 8153

Leadership: 28

Normal Skill: Heal

Heal 1 teammate for a small amount of HP

Initiative Skill: Resurrection+

Can ressurect a friend once per round

Passive Skill: Advanced Recovery

Add tiny life, small Toughness, large heal


Cobra Howling Cave

The Immortal Howling Cave


Ghost Tracks

Food Cards

Druid Druid

Def, Toughness

Note: Colors indicate the strength of Synergy Bonus for +3 max cards: Blue = Normal, Purple = Huge, Orange = Massive, Red = Small Decrease.


Crit, ATK, Crit Damage


Cards used to evolve

Ritual Summon

Wizzards Balcony



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